Schools and Corporate Vaccination Clinics - Updates for 2024/25 Season
This is the transcript of a webinar which cover the new label and export functions which simplify how your can use the booking engine for the schoold vaccination program and corporate vaccination clinics.
We’ve got a lot of feedback last year in the 23-24 season about how things could be improved. There was great feedback on how efficient it was using our system, but equally, there was some feedback and improvements we made, which we’ve done. Let me just go into the school vaccinations 23-24. So what happened last year? Basically, quite a number of our customers were using the booking system for the 23-24 vaccination season. They found it very efficient, and they found it a very good product with some feedback which I’m going to address today. But basically what the pharmacy did in conjunction with the school is that the principal would circulate a booking link to the parents via email or the school’s mobile app. The link could be a link that we’ve given you, or it could be a page on your website. That meant that the parents could click on the link, complete the medical intake form, provide parental consent and do it all remotely. So all that paperwork and hassle was gone. And so it was a very efficient program, and by and large, most pharmacies vaccinated at the school. So offsite, away from the pharmacy. And again, data worked out really, really well for the 23-24 season. Now, we did get some feedback, and that’s what I’m going to address during this webinar:
- All appointment types were visible to parents or the kids. So no matter what appointment types you had, if they were all set to enable, then they’d all appear visible. So things like EHC or Viagra connect could appear beside it that was deemed to be not ideal, and also having multiple appointment types. Parents might just get confused as to which they could pick.
- There was a second issue with the Schools program, which was around schools being added on the fly, which just created admin overhead for both the pharmacy and us, and maybe might have slowed things down a little bit as well.
On the corporate side of it, the pharmacy would organise with the HR department to either conduct a clinic at the company in a conference room or similar, or they could indeed do walk-ins in the pharmacy. And so there were 2 things that could have been organized. And basically, again, the medical intake form and consent were obtained remotely, eliminating all that paperwork to and froing and making it just much more efficient when you went to do the vaccination. So it worked out really well.
In addition to the issues faced at schools, pharmacies found that:
- Afterwards pharmacies found that billing companies, for some people who maybe could have got a free vaccine versus not, etc. It just became a bit complex. So we wanted to address that as well.
So they’re the 3 items that we got feedback on from the last season. The booking system was very efficient for both corporate and schools, but there were improvements to be made. We’ve addressed those improvements. The first item was all appointment types being visible. So this is our booking widget.
It looks something like this for you on your website, and once the appointments are enabled, then they all become visible. I have the company vaccination clinic, I have a school nasal flu vaccine clinic, and I have an adult flu vaccine. And you can see the 3 of them have appeared. So what we’ve done is we’ve changed the software to allow you to break out each appointment into categories or a series of appointments into subcategories, if you do require that.
By default, we’re looking at the school one which can be separate and the company vaccination clinic, which can also be separate. There’s a particular way of doing that. The way to do it is I’m going to opt in everybody who did school or corporate vaccinations last year into the setting on our system, and then very simply, for a company clinic, you put in the complete link and put in this text after it. For schools, you just put in that text after it. How that looks in reality is, if I was to look at a booking software for all of the appointments that be enabled, the link would look something like this. You would have seen this on the website or the links that we gave them through to you last year.
If I want a subsection of those, or I want to categorize them, the schools one, all you gotta do is add this after the link. For the company one, all you’ve got to do is add this, after the link: Category Equals COM for corporate or Category Equals SCH for schools.
What that allows you to do is to send a link to the principal or to the HR department, or indeed to change your website to have a schools vaccination clinic or a corporate vaccination clinic.
You have different pages, and you can send that specific link to the school to the Hr department, and the only appointment type they see is the one that you’ve created for them, or that we’ve created for you for them in this case for the school nasal program. That was the 1st and major item that we were asked to do.
The second item was around the other 2 problems that we were asked to address which were simplify billing. It was too complex, and also having appointments created on the fly and making it easier for you guys to manage appointments in the pharmacy as you’re doing the program.
What we did was, we created these labels for the appointments. Each appointment that comes in can be assigned a label, and the label has maximum 5 characters. It can be a moniker, a label for a company, CRH stands for Cement Roadstone, for example, or CBS for . Christian brothers MARYS for Scoil Mhuire etc. Once created those labels become filters and part of our export function. It allows you to create in advance a filter for the school or the company, and, if needs be, to export them.
The export function, in particular, is around the billing, and the labels to be filters are particularly on the day of a vaccination, are particularly appropriate to say, a school’s program. How that looks in reality is the following. I’m gonna log into our back end system here. You should probably recognize this here. The 14 days of availability, etc. But you’ll notice one thing that’s slightly different, which are these labels. These labels? I’ve created these appointments, and you can see I’ve got different labels in here. The idea being that if an appointment comes in or an item comes in on the waiting list, that as they come in you’re assigning them a label to become part of this filter. For example, in the medical intake form for the school program, the parent has added that the name of the school, and the name of the teacher is Mr. Johnson. Then they haven’t actually added, sorry, and then there’s all the questions I just haven’t added them in myself. Over here on the left hand side, you can see the label. So I can actually add a label here. I’m just going to add, in that school, okay?
And that’s my label for this, say school versus school. If I go back out to the appointments, then you can see that that very last one, which was blank, is now saying school equally, if I go down onto the Friday, and I look at my corporate vaccinations, then I can see that there’s one of them blank, and I can view that one I can see the name of the company is Dunlops again. Go over here, change the label to Dunlops and save the changes and done. That’s how that works. Then when you go into your appointments, then everything has a label, and that label then becomes a filter. Let’s go into the appointment labels over here, and if I want to look at all of say St. Mary’s, for example, I just click on MARYS , and there’s my appointments for that school vaccine program for St. Mary’s. If I want to look at the CBS school, then I can do that as well. I can see it under there with school. I can use this in conjunction with the other appointments filters.
So I can look at just the school’s vaccine clinic that you’re running, and you can see there I have on Thursday 4 appointments. And again, I can use that appointment, those filters in conjunction with that. The other thing to say is that this also works in conjunction with these items here, so that you’re able to select all of the appointments, and either edit the label. For example, if there’s changes that you want to make, send a message, if you need to do something or export as a CSV. The export is the one that we introduced for improved billing. So to simplify billing. And basically the label, the company name will be part of that label and that can be exported as part of that file to Csv as well. So that can be used to simplify the billing process. These views are also visible across the month. So if I go into the month of, for example, August current month, where I have my appointments, then go down to the bottom of the page, and you can see I have all of these different appointments in here as well. At the bottom of the page, and they work in conjunction with that. Any questions on that? Anything? I don’t see any questions coming in alright, then. So what we’re proposing how people would operate for the coming season, the 24-25 season. The schools program right?
This is what we found worked best last year, and it’s been designed to work in conjunction with our booking system. The appointments are left in waitlist mode. That means you’re effectively agreeing to come into the school to do the appointments in the school at a certain time that’s agreed with the principal. So you organize a schedule with the principal, you’re organized with the equipment to specific classes, etc, or into the gym, and so on. You update the filters for your different schools, so that when you go in that day all you do is use the filter and just do the school, Scoil Mhuire, and that’s your filter done for that particular school, etc.
You can create a schools page on your website. So you could have a school vaccination program page on your website, or you could just send them a link with the link with that URL that I have down there with the SCH link. We will send that out to you afterwards. But we do need to know that you’re opting into this.
On the company side of it, then the appointments can be either waitlist or allow booking mode, so they can come into, so the employees can come into the pharmacy for an appointment or they can go on a waitlist. You’re doing a corporate vaccination clinic in situ at the actual company again, update the labels to create the filters for each company. Then you can create a company vaccination page on your website, or you could send the company the link which is the category
We have been experimenting with what we’re calling our private customer hub. We’re calling it Rx Hub. We’re doing a lot of things in there to help our customers on communicating to their patients. We’ve done a series of social media training. We did one at the start of the year. It was an 8 week program we did one last week specifically focused on the nasal schools program. So we do that training. We have an ongoing Q&A through the Hub. We have a 12 month content framework for your social media. So we have a post every month that we create for you with professionally designed graphics. We also remind you to do the posting and what we did for the schools program. And if you’re a member of the Hub, we did 5 different graphics for for the schools program. These professionally designed graphics for different formats. So there’s a storyboard story format. There’s a Facebook, there’s an Instagram format, they’re all created professionally done. And then there’s also text associated with like that. You can just copy and paste and modify to what you needed to be back to school, back to health. Did you know the vaccinations for your child can easily be booked, etc. That’s our Rx hub. We have 5 for the current nasal vaccine season. We have 5 different graphics done 7 different text very easy to use. And if you want to join that hub, all you got to do is look for Rx Hub, the Facebook group is called Rx Hub. We can also invite you, or you can request to be invited to that group. We do training in that last week’s training. Then here’s the Pdf. About the training from last week’s webinar, which was last Wednesday, and then the Dropbox content is there. Everything is all listed in here, and you can see an example of the type of high resolution graphic that we’re creating for you, that you can post out onto your out onto your social channel. This is free for all of our customers. We’re doing it to help you guys. So put a social media framework in place, an annual one, know how to do it, what to do, give you the content. Get it out to your patients, so that ultimately they use the booking system to book an appointment for their kids or our mobile app to order a prescription before they go on vacation. That’s what they can do using those items. Here’s an example of the document itself. Again, there’s different variations that you can write. The yellow pieces are the pieces to be sort of modified for yourself, and so on and so forth. Change them whatever way you want, whatever way you feel is necessary to use them in your social media campaign to target parents, parents of the particular schools that you’re vaccinating at.