FLU Vaccination Booking Software

Flu Season Ahead

supporting pharmacies through covid-19

COVID-19: Free Upgrades to Apps and Websites

Mobile App Upgrades

All customer apps have been upgraded to support marketing messages. This enables you to send a marketing message to all people who have downloaded the app – for example to describe new social distancing procedures; to keep patients informed about latest updates; advise on how you can compound shortages etc. This video shows you how to use it.

All customer apps have been upgraded to support 2 way messaging. This will allow you to message patients and for them to message you – sort of like IM. This video shows you its function. It can help reduce phone call volume.
Both upgrades have already been made to all customer apps free of charge for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis.

Website Upgrades

A COVID-19 notification and a related website page can be added to all our customers using our website product. This will be implemented over the coming days. If you have updated operating procedures, they can also be added. Please email them to refillassistant@gmail.com. This addition will be free of charge.

For more information on any of these topics or to get in touch simply click above

Pharmacy Websites displayed on mac
Pharmacy Portal Websites and Mobile Apps
Phone displaying Refill Mobile Apps

Pharmacy Websites, Mobile Apps and Social Advertising Made Easy