Recent updates and improvements have expanded the capability of the booking engine which can now be configured for a variety of pharmacy services including:
- Vaccinations
- Flu
- Shingles
- Pneumococcal
- COVID-19
- Pharmacy Testing Services
- Blood Pressure Monitoring
- Blood Sugar Testing / Diabetes Screening
- BMI Check
- Cardiovascular Health Screening
- Cholesterol Testing
- Medication Usage Review
- EHC / Emergency Contraception
Each service type can be configured to your exact requirement, so you get to see the exact details you need from your patients – in advance before they walk in the door.
Bookings can be configured to be extremely simple requesting only basic booking information from patients i.e. contact information; appointment time and contact consent. Or a more detailed setup can be implemented requesting medical history, PPSN and service consent.
- Contact information
- Appointment duration (configured for each appointment type)
- PPSN (required/not required)
- Medical history (configured to the service)
- Allergy & risk assessment information (configured to the service)
- Contact consent
- Service consent (configured to the service)
in addition, detailed information about the service to be booked can also be provided to the patients when booking.
Recent Improvements
1. Providing visibility of the number of booking slots
This update now gives you visibility of the number of available and booked appointments in the next 14 days so you can quickly calculate if you have enough medicines to support the appointments. Corrective action can be implemented by changing your schedule.
2. Self-management of appointment schedules
To enable pharmacists to manage their own availability calendar, a new self-scheduling tool was created. This allows you to set default availability hours for each of your bookable resources and to make availability adjustments for specific dates.
3. Enable/disable Appointments
A second tool allows you to enable or disable appointments. Enabled appointment types are bookable assuming appointment slots are available. Disabled appointment cannot be booked.
4. Improved management of patient appointments
Patient appointments can now be rescheduled or cancelled in the pharmacy portal. For rescheduled appointments, all patient information and medical history (if completed) remains in the new appointment.
5. SMS Texts
SMS texts have been upgraded and now include additional texts to reduce no shows and improve communications with patients.
- Booking confirmation text is sent after the booking has been completed.
- Appointment reminder text is sent 24 hours in advance.
- Reminder text sent 1 hour in advance
Patient View
The patient user interface remains largely the same as previously. The main difference is the experience of a simple booking versus that of a more complex booking. Steps are removed from the simple setup making for a quick booking. Whereas a more complex booking setup for a vaccine will require PPSN, medical history and vaccination consent to be provided.