FLU Vaccination Booking Software

Flu Season Ahead

Pharmacy Services Booking Software
Pharmacy Services Booking Software

Booking Software Update – Tools for Availability and Scheduling

In this update, a lot of changes were made to give you more control of availability and scheduling. Whilst also improving schedule visibility to help you to better manage your resources and calendar.

The improvements were in 3 main areas:

1. Providing visibility of the number of booking slots

This enables you to easily assess if you have enough medicines or resources to cover the appointment schedule. For example, with the adult flu vaccine on allocation meaning limited supplies, it became difficult for pharmacies to match their available calendar slots with the number of available vaccines. This update now gives you visibility of the number of available and booked appointments in the next 14 days so you can quickly calculate if you have enough vaccines to support the appointments.

2. Self-management of appointment schedules

To enable pharmacists to manage their own availability calendar, a new self-scheduling tool was created. This allows you to set default availability hours for each of your bookable resources and to make availability adjustments for specific dates.

A second tool allows you to enable or disable appointments. Enabled appointment types are bookable assuming appointment slots are available. Disabled appointment cannot be booked.

3. Improved management of patient appointments

Patient appointments can now be rescheduled or cancelled in the pharmacy portal. For rescheduled appointments, all patient information and medical history (if completed) remains in the new appointment. An SMS text gets sent to the patient 24 hours before their rescheduled appointment. No further texts are sent for cancelled appointments.

Video overview

The below video is less then 3 minutes long and gives you an overview of the Pharmacy Portal including these new improvements. If you are familiar with the Pharmacy Portal, the timings provide a short cut to the parts that may be new to you. 

  • Preview the booking setup before go-live (14s)
  • Adding to your website (25s)
  • Planning appointments (38s)
  • Number of appointment slots & supplies (45s)
  • Enable / disable appointments (52s)
  • Change your availability schedule (1m:04s)
  • View availability calendar (1m:46s)
  • Patient appointment details (1m:56s)
  • Medical history and patient questionnaire (2m:04s)
  • Services consent (2m:11s)
  • Adding Notes & Sending Texts (2m:18s)
  • Rescheduling and cancelling appointments (2m:50s)
  • Manually add an appointment (3m:21s)
  • Notes on text messages (3m:27s)

For more information on any of these topics or to get in touch simply click above

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